Prof. Henryk Skarzynski, M.D., Ph.D., dr. h.c. multi, is a world-renown otosurgeon, specialist in otorhinolaryngology, audiology and phoniatrics, pediatric otolaryngologist. Since 1994, National Specialist, then National Consultant in Audiology and Phoniatrics, since 2011 National Consultant in Otorhinolaryngology. Professor Skarzynski is the first surgeon in Poland to perform cochlear implantation (1992), brainstem implantation (1998), and middle-ear implantation (2003). In 1997, for the first time in the world he developed a classic partial deafness treatment and auditory debris preservation program. In 2002, for the first time in the world he operated the first adult patient with partial deafness, and in 2004 the first child with partial deafness. This method is considered a Polish specialty known as “Skarzynski’s method” and it was implemented in numerous cochlear implant centers in the world. For the purpose of this method, Skarzynski developed a new electrode and new clinical procedure.

In addition, he introduced over 150 new clinical solutions, which contributed to the development of the field of auditory implants, otosurgery and audiology in Poland and in the world. Professor Skarzynski initiated and organised the second in Europe Center for Deaf and Hearing Impaired People “Cochlear Center” (1993), the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing (1996) and the World Hearing Center (1st part in 2003 and the 2nd part in 2012). Thanks to almost 3 decades of Prof. Skarzynski’s efforts, Poland is now one of the world’s leading countries implementing hearing screening programs in children, and polish patients may benefit from numerous modern technologies as first in the world. For 16 years Professor Henryk Skarzynski has been performing the highest number of surgeries to improve hearing in the world.
Skarzynski is the author and co-author of over 1,200 publications in Poland and over 3,000 foreign conference scientific reports. He leads an extensive teaching activity for students and physicians in Poland and abroad. Professor conducted demonstration operations for over 4,000 professors, surgeons, and other specialists during the special international oto-surgical training called “Window Approach Workshop”. He carried out demonstrative operations in over a dozen countries in Asia, South America, and Europe – he conducted over 1,000 of them.
Honorary Professor of Provo University, USA (1998), doctor honoris causa of the Academy of Special Education (2011), Warsaw University (2012), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (2014). Associate Professor of the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University Nicolae Testemitanu in Moldova (2014), Honorary Professor of the National Center for Mother and Child in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (2016). Founder member of the World Hearing Forum established by WHO (2018).
Professor Skarzynski is the member of over 20 most prestigious national and international scientific associations – Chairman of the Committee of Clinical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the Polish and Slovak Otolaryngologist Association, the first-ever Polish member of the American Otological Society and the American Neurotology Society, member of CORLAS, POLITZER, ISA, IAO , EAONO and EFAS.
Professor Skarzynski is the laureate of state honors – from the Prime Minister, Minister of Health, Minister of Science and Higher Education, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Economy, Minister of Education and Science, Minister of Development, as well as numerous awards in the field of medicine and other prestigious honours in Poland and abroad. Professor was decorated with the Knight’s Cross and Order of Polonia Restituta by the President of the Republic of Poland, with two national orders by the king of Belgium, and also orders from the Presidents of Georgia and Ukraine. Honorary Citizen of Warsaw, as well as of the City and Commune of Czyżew. On the 25th anniversary of the first free elections – Polish Freedom Day – Professor Skarzynski won the “Man of Freedom” general plebiscite in the “science” category.
In 2018 Professor was awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland with the Medal of the Centenary of Regained Independence and by the Prime Minister with a “100th Anniversary of Regaining Independence” medal and diploma. In 2019, he was awarded White Eagle Promotional Emblem, and at the request of the Polish Patent Office awarded an honorary recognition “For merits for inventiveness”.
Treating deafness with implant surgeries performed by prof. Skarżyński was also recognized in the plebiscite “Science is Freedom”, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education to be the most important scientific event of the last 25 years.
Professor Skarżyński is being awarded by various communities: e.g. Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Medal, granted by Pope Francis, the Primate’s Medal granted by His Eminence Archbishop Wojciech Polak the Primate of Poland and the Medal “For merits to the Archdiocese of Warsaw” awarded by His Eminence Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz. Skarzynski also was awarded the International Chapters of Order of Smile and the ECCE HOMO Medal. In 2016 and 2017, in the “List of 100” – ranking published by the editors of “Puls Medycyny” – Professor Skarzynski was recognized as the most influential person in Polish medicine, and in other rankings organized so far he was ranked in the first hundred taking places from 46 to 2 – of which 9 times in the first 10. In addition, prof. Skarzynski received the title of the Golden Engineer and then the Honorary Engineer from the technical society.
From among approximately 150 awards granted by various communities, there are: Business Mace awarded by the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, Special Honorary Pearl awarded by the editors of “Polish Market”, the title of “Outstanding Pole” awarded by the Chapter of the “Teraz Polska” Competition, Medal of the National Education Committee, Medal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Medal of M. Kopernik awarded by the Presidium of Polish Academy of Science, Medal of Prof. Jan Nielubowicz of the District Medical Council in Warsaw, the title “Benevolenti” for supporting pro-social initiatives of the Pro Seniore Foundation, Medal of Tytus Chałubiński, “Bene Meritus” Badge, LAUDABILIS award granted by the District Medical Council and the title “Trustworthy” for special merits for the benefit of the Medical Self-Government, Medal Gloria Medicinae awarded for outstanding services for medicine by the Polish Medical Association, the statuette of the Wiktor Television Academy in the category of Personality of Science and Culture, Honorary Oscar of Polish Business, the main award in Washington at the “21st Century Achievement Award Winners” in the category of healthcare for the Remote Fitting and Telerehabilitation System, Special Prize and Medal of Professor Zbigniew Religa granted by the Foundation for Children “Zdążyć z Pomocą” (On time with help). For merits and cooperation, Professor Skarzynski was also awarded medals by the University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw University of Technology, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. He is an honorary member of Polish, Cuban, Slovak, and Danubian Societies of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Polish Medical Association.
Representing Polish science and medicine, Skarzynski and his team organized a screening program in 20 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America.
Professor Henryk Skarzynski initiated and coordinated the program “Equal opportunities for children with communication disorders in European countries”, which was part of the priority of the Polish Presidency in the EU. He was the main initiator of two scientific European consensuses on hearing screening in pre-school and school children, and on screening tests for hearing, sight and speech in pre-school and school children named “European Consensus Statement on Hearing, Vision and Speech Screening in Pre-School and School-Age Children”. Following these activities, which were carried out jointly with the Ministry of Health, “EU Council Conclusions on early detection and treatment of communication disorders in children, including the use of E-Health tools and innovative solutions” were endorsed on December 2, 2011.
Special recognition for prof. Henryk Skarżyński was awarded by the scientific community in 2016 at the World Conference a special diploma for leadership and inspiration of the international community by creating a world-renowned medical center dedicated to the surgical treatment of hearing disorders and for tireless advocacy for people with hearing impairments worldwide during the 14th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Technologies – CI2016 in Toronto.
Professor Skarzynski is the initiator and originator of the largest preventive project – Multidisciplinary Program for Counteracting the Diseases of Civilization and Health Support for Poles “Po First Health”, which has been carried out for 4 years. In 2019 professor organized the first Congress “Health of Polish People”.
The greatest achievement in scientific, clinical and didactic activities was the concept creation, construction and the launch of the World Hearing Center – the world’s largest scientific and clinical center, where since 16 years, the highest number of hearing improvement operations in the world is being conducted.